Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All I need to know about Life

All I need to know about life I learned from my cat.

  • Life is hard, then you nap.
  • Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.
  • When in doubt, cop an attitude.
  • Variety is the spice of life; one day ignore people, the next day annoy them.
  • Climb your way to the top ~ that's why the drapes are there.
  • Never sleep alone when you can sleep on someone's face.
  • Find your place in the sun ~ especially if it happens to be on that nice pile of warm, clean laundry.
  • Make your mark in the world, or at least spray each corner.
  • When eating out, think nothing of sending your meal back twenty or thirty times.
  • if you're not receiviing enough attention, try knocking over several expensive antique lamps.
  • Always give generously ~ a small bird or roden left on the bed tells them, "I care."

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hone Tuwhare ... Poet

New Zealand had a wonderful poet, sadly now departed from this earth, whose writings are inspirational.
I never learned of him until recent years. He spent his final years living at the seaside near by New Zealand home. I did meet this poet; a man with wisdom and a wonderful sense of humour.
Many of his works are delightful, most resonate with New Zealanders. The following is short; his use of words carefully considered, and used with greatness.

Wind song and rain by Hone Tuwhare
A poem is
a ripple of words
on water wind huffed
But still water
is a poem winded; a
mirrored distortion
of sky
and mountain
trees; and a drowned
face waiting
for a second wind
(a second coming?)
Ripple of words
on water.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What for?

The other day while I had half an ear to the radio a statement leapt across the airwaves sending my thoughts into a whirl. It was a simple enough question.
"What is your purpose in life?"
At first the question flew over my conscience. After all, only half an an ear heard.
Later, in the middle of the night when all was dark and when thoughts come to the forefront of the mind seeking an answer, the question rose again. "What is my purpose in life?"
So different from what is your purpose in life!
Seldom do we consider such a searching question, or at least, seldom do I think along those lines. After all, I am busy, doing ... this or that, often useful things [in my mind at least] or just sitting reading.
Contemplating the purpose of life is rather deep!
Well days later I have come to no conclusion. I have given the question a lot of thought, and somehow consider this question will remain in the front of my mind until I decide what my purpose is in life.
Rather deep don't you think!